Image of the Gilbert Scott Building Tower, with the Glasgow skyline in the background
Uzma Khan
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Uzma Khan

Vice Principal for Economic Development and Innovation and Deputy Chief Operating Officer

Uzma Khan joined us in November 2020.  Her role includes overseeing several corporate functions that support the University’s approach to delivering its latest strategy ‘World Changers Together - Strategy 2025’, including Planning, Research and Innovation Services, and Economic Development.  

In her capacity as Vice-Principal, Uzma has responsibility for ensuring delivery of the University’s innovation ambitions and in articulating the contribution and impact of innovation activity on the city, region and national economy.

Uzma currently holds a number of non-executive director and trustee roles including at the David Hume Institute, The Poverty Alliance and more recently, has joined CodeBase.

Prior to joining the Higher Education sector, Uzma spent 20 years in the civil service as a professional economist in Scottish Government, providing economic advice and analysis across a range of sectors and portfolios, including economy, health, transport and lifelong learning.